川外:雅思口语高频话题 sleeping
2013-12-04 11:20 | 编辑:admin 来自:未知
话题 Sleeping
As a typical night owl, I don’t hit the hay tillmidnight nearly every weekday. When it comes to/as for/In terms of theweekends, it’ll be even later. My friends said it’s a bad habit, but I found my mind is often clearer and response quicker in deep night. Because I’m an engineer having to do many innovative things…….
2. 早睡早起的
I think I’m a well-organized person. I hit the haybefore 10 and get up at 7. Before sleeping, I have one hour to read books orlisten to music and then do some meditation for minutes. And the first thing after getting up I’ll do is jogging.
3. 失眠的(难度系数大,量力而为)
Sleeping is a sensitive word to me, because I’ve been suffering the chronic insomnia/sleeplessness for a long time. I can’t find thereason. Falling asleep is so easy for others but so challenging for me. So Idon’t have a fixed time for getting to bed or waking up.
Many people recommend the popular ways like countingthe sheep or listening to the light music for a while. But neither of them worked on me. My way is to do some meditation or try the self-hypnosis I learnt from a book. Just think about a beautiful scenery picture in mind and graduallylose consciousness.
以上就是川外老师为雅思考生们整理的雅思口语高频话题 sleeping。

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