雅思口语Part2超高频难题:A school rule
2013-12-04 11:16 | 编辑:admin 来自:未知
No eating in the classroom
The school rule I’d like to talk about isthe no eating in classroom regulation kept by my university for years. It says eating is not allowed in classrooms of the teaching buildings. As a student, Ihave to obey it every day.
The school has explained the reasons why it put up this regulation. One is eating will probably make rubbish and mess up the classroom; another is eating will produce sound and distract other students’ attention when studying; the last reason is more convincing, some hot food will spread the smell, and no matter it’s nice or smelly, to make this in the teaching area will be impolite.
As for how students react towards this rule, I think most of them obey it quite well and have built up the good habit.But there are still some guys having snacks in the breaks. However, if only they are found, they have to accept the punishment of cleaning the classroom for 2 weeks.
In my view, it’s a really not bad rule,although some people say it has restricted students’ freedom, the problem is how many students today are so well organized?
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