2021-04-07 09:48 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心 来自:未知雅思口语考试又迎来了换题季,每次换题大概会有40%左右的新题出现。下面小编为大家整理了2021年1-4月雅思口语新题:未来想从事的完美工作,希望可以帮助到大家。
Describe a perfect job you want to do in the future. You should say:
What it is
How you can find this job
What you need to prepare for this job
And explain why you want to do this job
Alright, a perfect job I want to do in the future is probably to be a travel photographer. Travel photographers usually travel to different countries and take pictures of the sights they see there, ranging from cultural experiences to natural scenery.
Regarding how to find this job, well, sometimes there are online listings for travel photographer jobs posted by travel and lifestyle magazines, but those are generally extremely competitive and hard to come by. Many travel photographers are employed by advertising or marketing firms as well to advertise certain exotic destinations. There are also plenty of travel photographers that are freelance photographers, and they get paid by posting articles and photos on websites and blogs. So clearly, there are many different types of travel photographers.
As for what I need to prepare for this job, I definitely need excellent photography skills and all the necessary equipment like a high-quality camera and different lenses. I’ll also need to build my own portfolio by taking a series of photos to showcase my photography skills. I suppose some kind of internship would be really helpful as well, especially if it were for a travel magazine or something like that.
Last of all, I’d like to become a travel photographer because it really appeals to my interests and passions. I’ve always loved to travel, and I’m also enthusiastic about photography, so I think being a travel photographer perfectly combines those two interests. Even though it’s probably not a very practical job, I’d still be thrilled if I were ever given the opportunity.
Part 3
What kinds of jobs do children want to do?
I think many children are incredibly idealistic, and they want to have extraordinary jobs like being an astronaut, deep-sea diver, or famous movie star. For instance, when I was a child, I wanted to be a singer.
What kinds of professions are popular in your country?
I would say that, in my country, the most popular professions are to be an office worker, a salesperson, or maybe part of a medical staff such as a nurse or doctor.
Why do some people change their ideal jobs from time to time?
Well, I guess people’s interests change throughout their lifetime, and they seek different things in their career.

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