2021-04-06 09:41 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心 来自:未知雅思口语考试又迎来了换题季,每次换题大概会有40%左右的新题出现。下面小编为大家整理了2021年1-4月雅思口语新题:发挥想象力,希望可以帮助到大家。
Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination.You should say:
When it was
Why you needed to use imagination
How you used your imagination
And explain how you felt about this experience
Alright, so a time when I needed to use my imagination was when I was creating a computer game for my computer programming class. This was during my freshman year of university, and I was majoring in computer science. One of my programming classes, which focused on game design, asked us to create our own multiplayer computer game, which proved to be a challenge.
Well, I obviously needed to use my imagination since it’s necessary to create an interesting and creative computer game. Writing the code wasn’t too difficult for me—the biggest challenge was thinking about what content to create and how to do the 3D digital design. I was asking myself questions like: how can I make my game different from all the other multiplayer games that exist right now?
And, that’s when I began to use my imagination. I was brainstorming all kinds of different ideas—from arcade games to fighting games—but what eventually popped up into my mind was a dancing game. The dancing game wouldn’t feature people, since there were lots of those already, but cartoon monsters instead. Each monster would come equipped with a set of unique dance moves, and each player needs to find the best combination of monsters for each song.
Lastly, as for how I felt about this experience, well, I thought it was quite challenging, but certainly rewarding and satisfying in the end. It was the first time I created a game, and I didn’t expect it to be so popular among my friends and classmates. Anyway, I think my experience eventually inspired me to pursue a career as a video game designer.
Part 31) Do you think imagination is important to children?
Yeah, of course. Imagination leads to creative and innovative thinking, which is important to both children and adults.
2) When do children need to use their imagination?
Children need to use their imagination when they’re doing activities like writing stories or creating artworks, but it’s also something useful to have in their daily lives or when they need to solve problems.
3) What kinds of professions need imagination?
I suppose professions like writers, artists, designers, and scientists all require some level of imagination.
4) Do you think adults can have a lot of imagination?
Yeah, I’m sure adults can also have a very rich imagination, especially if they need to use their imagination on a regular basis.

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