2014-12-17 14:32 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心 来自:未知导读:小作文: 曲线图:四个汽车厂汽车生产耗费时间在1998-2005年间的变革。 大作文: Some people say that it is better to teach language students in small classes, while others think that the number of students does not matter. Discuss both views a
Some people say that it is better to teach language students in small classes, while others think that the number of students does not matter. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 有人以为传授语言小班讲课结果更佳,有人以为外语学习,班级学员的数目不紧张,讨论两种看法,给出你的意见。
1. 小班讲课可以因材施教,更多看护个别学员,因此结果更好。
2. 小班讲课可以使更多门生有时机到场课程讨论,口语训练,因此结果更好。
3. 小班讲课对付老师而言,越发容易构造富厚的讲堂训练,比方排演英语剧,脚色饰演,可以使每个门生到场此中,引发学习兴趣,开辟学习潜能,树立学习自大。
1. 学习外语的乐成老师为辅,个别学习者的内涵驱动力为主,因此,买办小班讲课,差别不大。
2. 外语学习的乐成更多取决于老师的良好水平,所谓名师出高徒,因此,只要老师良好,纵然班级门生较多,依然可以资助更多学天生功地掌握外语。
首段:配景先容 + 作家态度
New language acquisition is one of the key words of education. A man fail to master perfect foreign language, many of us believe, is uncompetitive in the future job-seeking or career development. Under this circumstance, new language acquisition seems to become an inevitable trend. Speaking for myself, organizing small class is superior to educating language learners in a larger class in terms of helpings students to acquire a new language.
剖析:in terms of 在……方面
剖析:language acquisition 语言习得(语言学习)
Virtually,a great many advantages can be gained via teaching foreign language learners in small class. The most glaring merit is that teachers could allocate more time and energy to providing each student with customer-tailored education because it is easier for educators to organize the class. Therefore, better teaching effect could be achieved. Also, more language learners could have access to getting involved in classroom seminar, oral pattern drills. To make the final point, as for language teachers, colorful and amusing mode of education, for example, role play or foreign language, play could be easily achieved. My personal experience could best justify my stand, I once studied French in a small class, there are only six students in our class, our teacher Jenifer could draw on various games,role play to kindle our interest,tap our potential and instill language learning confidence into our hearts. We learnt French just for fun.
It is highly possible that some people remain suspicious of my stand. One opposite argument might be that the success of foreign language acquisition mainly derives from the internal impel of individual language learner rather than the efforts of teachers. In the sense, the scale of the class is not that important. Meanwhile, some people might still contend that exceptional educators cultivate elite students. In other words, the commendable way to acquire a new language is to learn from the best teachers. As long as the language instructors are excellent enough, students do stand the chances of mastering perfect language skills. Hence, there is no striking difference between teaching small class and organizing large class.
剖析:acquire a new language 学习新语言
In a nutshell, it is not an easy task to acquire foreign language,individual language learner has his or her unique preference for the scale of class. However, small-scaled teaching never fails to appeal me. I still insist that students should be encouraged to attend small class
1. provide students with customer-tailored education 给门生提供量文体衣的教诲方法
2. language acquisition 语言习得
3. acquire new language 学习语言
4. kindle one’s study interest 点燃一小我私家的学习兴趣
5. tap one’s unlimited learning 开辟一小我私家无穷的学习潜能
6. indoctrinate confidence into one’ heat 资助一人树立自大
7. role play 脚色饰演
8. it is not an easy task to …… 做……绝非易事
9. the commendable way to do sth 做……的值得保举的方法
10. A is superior to B A良好于B
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