2014-12-17 14:01 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心 来自:未知导读:12月13日雅思写作真题回想: Shops should not be allowed to sell any foods and drinks which are scientifically proved to be harmful for peoples health. 商铺是否应当禁止出售科学上证实是有害健康的食物饮料? 点评:健康类话题,新题呈现。 主题观念
Shops should not be allowed to sell any foods and drinks which are scientifically proved to be harmful for people's health. 商铺是否应当禁止出售科学上证实是有害健康的食物饮料?
1. 政府的职责所在,由于政府有不行推脱的职责保证公司合法经营和保证公民的健康。想象,假如政府不处分不约束非健康食物,就会鼓舞非健康食物的出售以及推广。
2. 有害消费者的健康,一起,食用有害健康的食物不仅仅有害健康,也或许带来家人的苦楚,还或许糟蹋公共的医疗资源。
3. 有损于商家的诺言,相反,有诚信商家出售健康食物,久远而言,公司盈余。
首段:布景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 写作意图
One of the noticeable phenomena is that some shops have been selling many heath-threatening foods and drinks out of the purpose of reaping profits illegally, which has long been a problem of great concern and complaint in numerous countries. Under this circumstance, an opinion seems to enjoy great popularity that physically detrimental foods should be banned. I am in support of the above statement and this essay endeavors to exemplify my stand.
1. One of the noticeable phenomena is that …… 一个明显的表象即是……
2. out of the purpose of reaping profits illegally 出于不合法牟利的意图
3. …… has long been a problem of great concern and complaint in numerous countries. 在许多国家,……变成人们重视和诉苦的疑问
4. This essay endeavors to exemplify my opinion. 这篇文章将努力证实我的态度
My first convincing reason can be easily explored. The government, as a decision-maker, is the representative of citizen’s basic interests. In this sense, every governmental policy will inevitably exert a profound influence on its citizens’ well-being index. One of the compelling obligations of the government is to guarantee every food enterprise’s licit business so that the basic interest of its citizens could be ensured. It is conceivable that more sales of health-threatening foods will be encouraged if a nation fails to penalize or restrict those foods containing physically harmful elements.
1. …… will inevitably exert a profound influence on 关于……有深远的影响
2. One of the indispensable obligations of the government is to 政府不行推脱的职责之一即是去……
3. It is conceivable that 能够想象
4. a nation fails to penalize or restrict 一个国家未能处分和约束
Another argument I could like to turn to justify my stand is that too much intake of unwholesome some foods will, by all means, undermine one’s health. Specifically, many foods or drinks contain excessive food additives or toxic chemicals,which might contribute to some health-related problems. Chronic disease is a good case in point. Even worse, the unexpected illnesses might bring huge agonies to the family members. Worse of all, free medical care might be unnecessarily wasted if the proportion of unhealthy citizens keeps on soaring.
1. too much intake of unwholesome foods 过量食用非健康食物
2. contain excessive food additives or toxic chemicals 富含过量的食物添加剂或是有毒的化学成分
3. might contribute to some health-related problems 或许会导致许多健康疑问
4. is a good case in point ……即是极好的例子
5. keeps on soaring 持续上升
To make the final point,relevant shopping malls,supermarkets or plazas could achieve profitability if they could establish fine sale fame among their buyers,on the contrary, if their food safety problem is reported by local news papers, then, the public will lose their trust in them and the relevant enterprises’ reputation will end up being greatly ruined. Therefore, it is rather groundless to support the proposal of allowing shops to sell unwholesome foods.(75)
1. shopping malls,supermarkets or plazas 购物中心,超市或许大型商都
2. achieve profitability 完成盈余
3. Therefore, it is rather groundless to support the proposal of 因而,支撑……的主张是适当没有根据的
尾段:再次亮明观念 + 总结理由
In a nutshell,I re-affirm my stand that every government ought to be urged to adopt feasible measures to minimize the baneful impacts triggered by the sale of unhealthy foods or drinks. After all, the health of its social citizens indicates fine governmental prestige, harmonious family relationship, improved health index and the everlasting profit-making competence of food industry.
1. Every government ought to be urged to adopt feasible measures to minimize the baneful impacts triggered by ……政府应当被催促去采纳可行措施以削减由……引起的不良影响
2. fine governmental prestige 杰出的政府威信
3. harmonious family relationship 调和的家庭关系
4. improved health index 提高的健康指数
5. the everlasting profit-making competence of food industry 食物工业耐久的盈余才能
1. is harmful to consumers’ health有害消费者的健康
2. is detrimental to consumers’ health 有害消费者的健康
3. undermine one’s health 有害健康
解析:undermine v暗中损坏
4. …… is health-threatening ……是要挟健康
5. …… exert a detrimental influence on health 关于健康施加了不良影响
解析:exert a detrimental influence on = have a really adverse impact on 关于……施加了不良的影响
拓宽:have a positive influence on 有活跃的影响
拓宽:exert a beneficial influence on 有利好的影响
6. ruin the relevant enterprises’ reputation 有损于有关公司的知名度
解析:ruin v损坏……
拓宽:do harm to the fame of the shops 有害公司的声誉
7. It is impetrative for the government to enact relevant laws to ensure the security of food sale. 政府立法保证食物出售的安满是势在必行的。
解析:It is imperative for the government to enact relevant laws to ……政府立法做……是势在必行的
8. Many foods contain too much food additives, which might lead to health-related problems 许多富含过量的食物添加剂的食物, 或许带来许多健康有关疑问。
解析:food addictives n食物添加剂
拓宽:environment-related problems 和环境保护有关的疑问
9. …… impose much pressure on consumers economically v添加消费者的经济负担
拓宽:impose much pressure on a nation economically 添加了政府的经济压力
10. Relevant shopping malls or plazas could achieve profitability if they establish fine sale fame among the buyers. 假如公司能够在消费者中树立杰出的出售诺言,公司是能够完成盈余的。
11. Therefore, it is rather superficial and groundless to support the proposal of allowing shops to sell unwholesome foods. 答应商家去出售有害健康的食物是适当浅薄的和没有根据的。
12. The health of family members indicates our harmonious and happy family relationship 家人的健康意味着调和美好的家庭关系。
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