2013-12-19 11:59 | 编辑:admin 来自:未知导读:很多雅思考生在面对写作这个科目的时候都有些无奈,词汇量的缺乏,无话可说的烦恼都在某种程度上影响了雅思写作考试的成绩,究竟该如何提高雅思作文水平呢?多看范文是必不可少呢,尤其是高分作文,这些文章能够告诉你究竟哪些文章更能够博得雅思考官的青睐
Some people think that the rise of living standard in a country oftenonly benefits cities rather than rural areas. What problems can be causedand how to reduce these problems?
Some people think that the rise of living standard in a country often only benefits cities rather than rural areas. What problems can be caused and how to reduce these problems?
第一段:题目改写仿写(条件:城市化+生活质量改善 + 矛盾 问题 体现在 城乡差异获的发展)
Along with urbanization and improvement of quality of living in urban areas, conflicts and a series of increasingly prominent issues are mainly embodied in the lopsided progress between urban and rural areas. After thoughtful consideration, I am convinced that such a lopsided tendency evokes decrease of available land and change of lifestyle and mode of production.
第二段:论点(支出或反对观点:对于城市生活改善的改善导致政府征收农民用地)+论据(农民丧失土地 +原因)+例证(城市化 导致农民用地减少)+结论(增加城市区域=减少耕地+降低幸福指数)
To begin with, improvement of living standard resulting from urbanization rather than that of rural areas can give rise to expropriation of farm land by the government. In other words, peasants forfeit the land they depend on for survival as the government transforms suburban areas into metropolitan areas. For example, expediting urbanization promoted by government to improve quality of life is bound to develop the outskirts with large tracts of land so as to make living environment and lifestyle peasants get accustomed to change thoroughly. From this point, increasing the urban areas means decreasing the cultivable land around the metropolis and lowering happiness index and life satisfaction of peasants.
第三段:论点(支出或反对观点:对于城市生活改善的改善导致农民的生活方式+生产模式的改变)+论据(农民面临严峻的生存状况)+例证(1 狭窄的就业渠道 2 贫穷的生活)+结论(变化舍得农民进退两难)
In addition, improvement of living standard availing cities rather than rural areas can also cause change of traditional lifestyle and the mode of production of peasants. That is to say, peasants have to confront severe survival conditions triggered by urbanization. For instance, peasants who lost land have no alternatives but to suffer from narrow channel of employment and life of poverty. Besides, they cannot be secured of the of stable salary, welfare and medical treatment. Hence, such changes triggered by factors contributing to development of metropolises make the peasants on the horns of a dilemma.
第四段:解决措施(1 政府提供制度保障 2 尊重农民的自主选者)
Admittedly, confronting with urbanization has turned out to be the irreversible tendency, government should provide institutional protections to cope with anxiety of peasants. That is to say, governments should emphasize on effectively tackling employment, entrepreneur and social welfare of peasants who forfeit land. Besides, governments also need to give them more independent choices.
结论:概括总结观点(支持的观点:城市生活质量改善而不是乡村 导致结果:1 耕地减少 2 严重的状况) + 解决方案
To sum up, after summarizing what is outlined above, I hold the point view that improvement in living quality contributing to urban areas rather than rural areas tend to make peasants suffer from decrease of cultivable land and confront with severe survival status. Meanwhile, governments should take reasonable and effective measures to tackle the issues that peasants are confronted with.
Some people think that the rise of living standard in a country oftenonly benefits cities rather than rural areas. What problems can be causedand how to reduce these problems?
Some people think that the rise of living standard in a country often only benefits cities rather than rural areas. What problems can be caused and how to reduce these problems?
第一段:题目改写仿写(条件:城市化+生活质量改善 + 矛盾 问题 体现在 城乡差异获的发展)
Along with urbanization and improvement of quality of living in urban areas, conflicts and a series of increasingly prominent issues are mainly embodied in the lopsided progress between urban and rural areas. After thoughtful consideration, I am convinced that such a lopsided tendency evokes decrease of available land and change of lifestyle and mode of production.
第二段:论点(支出或反对观点:对于城市生活改善的改善导致政府征收农民用地)+论据(农民丧失土地 +原因)+例证(城市化 导致农民用地减少)+结论(增加城市区域=减少耕地+降低幸福指数)
To begin with, improvement of living standard resulting from urbanization rather than that of rural areas can give rise to expropriation of farm land by the government. In other words, peasants forfeit the land they depend on for survival as the government transforms suburban areas into metropolitan areas. For example, expediting urbanization promoted by government to improve quality of life is bound to develop the outskirts with large tracts of land so as to make living environment and lifestyle peasants get accustomed to change thoroughly. From this point, increasing the urban areas means decreasing the cultivable land around the metropolis and lowering happiness index and life satisfaction of peasants.
第三段:论点(支出或反对观点:对于城市生活改善的改善导致农民的生活方式+生产模式的改变)+论据(农民面临严峻的生存状况)+例证(1 狭窄的就业渠道 2 贫穷的生活)+结论(变化舍得农民进退两难)
In addition, improvement of living standard availing cities rather than rural areas can also cause change of traditional lifestyle and the mode of production of peasants. That is to say, peasants have to confront severe survival conditions triggered by urbanization. For instance, peasants who lost land have no alternatives but to suffer from narrow channel of employment and life of poverty. Besides, they cannot be secured of the of stable salary, welfare and medical treatment. Hence, such changes triggered by factors contributing to development of metropolises make the peasants on the horns of a dilemma.
第四段:解决措施(1 政府提供制度保障 2 尊重农民的自主选者)
Admittedly, confronting with urbanization has turned out to be the irreversible tendency, government should provide institutional protections to cope with anxiety of peasants. That is to say, governments should emphasize on effectively tackling employment, entrepreneur and social welfare of peasants who forfeit land. Besides, governments also need to give them more independent choices.
结论:概括总结观点(支持的观点:城市生活质量改善而不是乡村 导致结果:1 耕地减少 2 严重的状况) + 解决方案
To sum up, after summarizing what is outlined above, I hold the point view that improvement in living quality contributing to urban areas rather than rural areas tend to make peasants suffer from decrease of cultivable land and confront with severe survival status. Meanwhile, governments should take reasonable and effective measures to tackle the issues that peasants are confronted with.
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