2013-12-04 20:35 | 编辑:admin 来自:未知雅思作文题目:
Many parents these days go to work in other countries, taking their families with them. Do you think advantages of the development outweigh its disadvantage? (Word count=377)
第一段:社会背景 (父母国外工作携带家人)+观点正向表达(这种趋势优点大过缺点)+自己观点(认同:原因1 利用孩子成长 2 利用工作效率改善)
In recent years, a host of parents are working in foreign countries, taking along their family members. This trend is bound to maintain vibrant momentum on account of caring for families and growth of children. Therefore, some individuals deem that the merits of such a tendency are far beyond its demerits. After serious consideration, I am convinced that parents who work abroad with family members are not only conducive to the growth of children, but also to improvement of efficiency.
第二段:论点(父母携带家人出国工作有利于孩子成长)+论据(孩子获得全面健康的发展)+例证(1 孩子精通外语 2 塑造人格 培养自主能力 实践能力)+结论(父母带孩子出国优势显著)
To begin with, that parents take their family members, especially their children when working abroad can be favorable for the growth of children. In other words, children can obtain all-round sound development. For example, living and studying in foreign countries provides a perfect platform and environment for children to have a good command of a foreign language. Besides, it also contributes to shaping their personality and cultivating their autonomous ability and practical ability and enables them to communicate and collaborates with people from different cultures and countries independently. Hence, merits of children being brought abroad by their parents are prominent.
第三段:论点(父母携带家人在国外有利于工作效率的改善)+例证(在国外与家人在一起 激发工作热情与动力 +原因:为孩子创造条件 )+结论(此种做法激发父母工作潜能起来不可替代的动力)
In addition, parents working abroad with their family members can improve their efficiency. In other words, seeking better welfare for the family is the direct impetus. For example, living with family members together abroad can stimulate the working passion and motivation to cope with a series of frustrations in work and to create more social wealth, because they dedicate more of their energy and time into creating abundant material wealth and excellent studying and living environment for their children. From this point, such practice constitutes irreplaceable impetus for parents to translate their endless potential into working.
让步段:另一种观点的合理性+ 对此观点反驳
另一种观点(1 人才外流 2 资金外流 ——无法弥补的损失)+对此观点法波(与家人在国外工作生活成为不可逆转的趋势1 经济进程及全球化 2 情感需要以及对于孩子成长的考虑)
Admittedly, a series of issues arise out of emigration of the whole family, such as serious brain-drain and funds transfer, which imposes irretrievable deficiency of the emigrating country. However, choosing to work and live abroad with the whole family turns out to be the irreversible tendency, along with globalization and economic integration and in the view of the real demands of emotion and consideration of children’s development.
结论:(此趋势优点明显—— 基于1. 孩子成长的长期考虑 2. 父母对工作投入更多的时间精力)
To sum up, after summarizing what is outlined above, conspicuously the merits of such a tendency is prominent, considering the long-term growth of children and parents’ dedication of more energy and time to work.

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