2022-08-01 13:10 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心 来自:未知导读:1. ______________ is known as one of the most serious problems in todays society. We can see it almost everywhere. As the graph depicts, ______________ . 2. From the cartoon, we can see that. Its a forceful satire on the kind of __________
1. ______________ is known as one of the most serious problems in today’s society. We can see it almost everywhere. As the graph depicts, ______________ . 2. From the cartoon, we can see that. It’s a forceful satire on the kind of ______________ .
3. From the first graph, we learn that ______________. According to the statistics shown in the second graph, we can see that ______________.
4. This table shown us that ______________. The figures indicate that there is an inspiring tendency of ______________.
5. What you first think of when seeing this cartoon might be that ______________. As a matter of fact, this cartoon reveals a typical social phenomenon.
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