2014-08-04 11:29 | 编辑:川外培训 来自:未知导读:2014年雅思口语考试Part3权威预测 2014年雅思口语考试Part3权威预测,雅思考试预测是对雅思考试的辅助,一般是由在雅思考试权威的老师根据上月的考试规律对即将开始的下一个月的考试重点进行预测。 川外培训 Do you think it is very important for us to en
Do you think it is very important for us to encourage people to take public transport- Why-
What are the difference between live in city or countryside-
Do you think its good to be ambitious- = Do you think ambitious is good or bad for young generations- Why-
Do you think about zoo - Why are zoos important- Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in a zoo-
Do you think online reading and electronic devices like the Kindle where you can download books will ever replace the library- Do you like to study or work in the library-
Discuss the benefits to online shopping and regular shopping, and tell me which you prefer and why.
What are the benefits from traveling- Why are an increasing number of people spending more money on holidays-
Do you think studying abroad is good for children- Why- After their graduation, do you think they will have a job in overseas or back to China, state your opinions, and say why-
Do you prefer to have dinner at home or in a restaurant- What are advantages and disadvantages for eating in the restaurant-
What are the difference between TV programs and radio programs- Which do you prefer-
What are the most popular jobs in China- What career advice would you give to young people today-
更多资讯请访问 》》》川外雅思培训中心

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