2022-06-13 10:37 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心 来自:未知导读:考生熟悉并透彻理解雅思听力信号词是非常重要的,信号词往往是表达一个主题,作为重要的一种功能信号词传递给考生的。雅思听力信号词又是表达的一种同义词的增补添加,或何时一些新观点的传递。另一种转折信号词往往前面90%的都是无用的信息用来干扰考生的,
also,and,and...as well,and then,as well as ,besides,besides this/that,both...and,either,even,for example,for instance,furthermore,in addition,in addition to that,in particular,just as ,like,likewise,moreover,namely,not only...but,one more thing,similarly,such as ,to illustrate,together,too,what’s more
雅思听力信号词归类二、表示顺序或序列关系的信号词句(sequence & time)
after,after this/that,afterwards,as,as soon as,at the moment,before,between,earlier/later,finally,first,firstly,first of all,following this/that,for a start,for one thing/// for another,in the first place,in the middle,in the second place ,initially,just as ,last but not least,meanwhile,next ,on the (your) right/left,previously,second,secondly,since,subsequently,then,third,to begin with,turn right/left,until,when,whenever
雅思听力信号词归类三、表示解释或强调关系的号词句(Definition & Emphasis)
actually,another way of saying,approximately,consist of ,equally,especially,I mean,in other words,in particular,is,mainly,means,more importantly,most importantly,namely,one other thing I should point out,probably,refer to ,slightly,specially,strikingly,surprisingly,that is ,that is to say
雅思听力信号词归类四、表示归纳和总结性关系的信号词句( Consequence & Summary)
accordingly,admittedly,altogether,as a result,basically,consequently,eventually,finally,in a word,in brief,in conclusion,in short,in summary,in that case,it follows that...
1 表示列举,增补关系的信号词。这类的信号词出现的时候,就说明下文出现的内容和前文是同类事物,或者对前文的补充说明,而不会是新的或者相反的信息。
and in addition to one more thing what’s more besides either also too as well as for instance for example furthermore such as like likewise similarly moreover together
2 表示转折或者对比关系来源:
Although by/in contrast as a matter of fact nevertheless instead however otherwise while thought but despite on the contrary on the other hand in the same way in spite of yet whereas
3 表示顺序喝序列关系的信号词来源:
First second last but not least third in the middle after between before next for a start afterward finally for one thing for another in the first place first of all to begin with meanwhile until subsequently previously then
4 表示解释或者强调关系的信号词
That is in particular I mean namely especially actually in other words that is to say specially another way of saying equally
5 表示因果关系的信号词
As a result therefore so for since for this reason because consequently thus
6 表示归纳,结论性关系的信号词
As a result altogether finally in short therefore overall in sum thus on the whole in brief to conclude in a word consequently to sum up to summarize in conclusion
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