2020-12-25 14:53 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心 来自:未知2020年12月19日 事件类
Describe an occasion when you forgot something important. You should say
When it was
What you forgot
Why you forgot it
And how you felt about it
Okay, so one time I forgot something important was actually on my mother’s birthday. This happened last year, so the memory is still very fresh on my mind.
So, my mother’s birthday is in December—December 10th, to be exact—and during the time, I was extremely busy studying for my final exams. My schedule was very hectic, and I was completely consumed by my schoolwork, exam preparation, and final projects. So yeah, I was just really stressed out and sleep-deprived, so I didn’t have the time or energy to think about anything else.
Unfortunately, I totally forgot about my mother’s birthday. In the past, I’d usually prepare a small birthday card for her with a handwritten message or even a gift like a box of chocolates or a scarf. Well, this time, since I’d forgotten, I didn’t prepare anything at all, and on the day of my mother’s birthday, it was my father who reminded me later that afternoon. I was so embarrassed I hadn’t even wished my mother a happy birthday that morning.
Finally, as for how I felt about it, um, obviously, I was embarrassed and felt a strong sense of guilt. It was the first time I’d forgotten my mother’s birthday, and even though she was understanding about it, I couldn’t get over it myself. My mother has always been so generous and considerate to me, and I was neglectful of such an important date. All in all, it wasn’t a very pleasant memory for me, but I promised myself that it would never happen again.
hectic 繁忙
stressed out 有压力的
I couldn’t get over it myself 我过不去自己这关
范文解析:这是一篇话题为事件类的口语范文。在这篇范文中,作者陈述的顺序主要是按照helping question的顺序来进行的。helping question就是题目中关于这个事件的四个问题。作者在开启一个新问题的时候会使用一些非常好用且地道的表达来引出这一个问题的回答,比如说第二个自然段中回答how you felt about it的时候,作者使用了As for + helping question( how I felt about it ) 的表达,这是一个引出问题的常见表达方式,我们一般称之为opening phrase,这个表达可以翻译为:至于我是如何感受的。在启德2019雅思口语教科书中有一个非常好用的口语技巧与这种表达方式非常类似,叫做FBS 技巧,即 fluency based strategy. 这个口语技巧主要是通过学习一些opening phrase,帮助考生的回答更加的完整且地道,同时,在使用这个技巧的时候,作者结合了expand strategy,两个技巧相结合,使得文章的结构和内容都更加丰富。在这篇范文中,作者使用了非常多的关于事件类的话题词汇,这些表达和词汇都是非常值得各位考生多多学习并积累起来的。

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