2020-11-03 16:19 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心 来自:未知说到口语的练习素材,首选的也就是雅思口语题库。为了给准备雅思口语考试的学生带来帮助,本文小编为大家分享2020年9-12月雅思口语话题库完整版。
Part 1
1.Work or study工作学习
3.The area you live in住所
7.Staying up熬夜
9.Public Transport公共交通
10.Famous people名人
11.Water sport水上运动
Part 2
1.Describe a foreign country(culture)you want to know more about
2.Describe a person who you are happy to know
3.Describe a movie that you want to recommend to others
4.Describe a team where you were a member
5.Describe an occasion you wore the best clothes
6.Describe a time when you learned from a mistake you have made
7.Describe your ideal house or apartment
8.Describe a friend who is a good leader
9.Describe a sport that you have watched(on TV)before and you want to try
10.Describe a uniform you have wore in school or company
11.Describe one of your family member you spend the most time with
12.Describe a job you would not like to do in the future
13.Describe a person in the news who you want to meet
14.Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution
15.Describe a goal you set that you tried your best to achieve
Part 1
1.what’s your favorite color of clothes?
2.what kind of clothes do you never wear?
3.what kind of clothes do you usually wear?
4.do you wear the same style of clothes on weekdays and weekends?
1.Have you changed a lot since your childhood?
2.What do you plan to change next year?
3.Do you like changes?Why?
4.Are there any changes in your hometown?
1.Do you have a lot of furniture in your home?
2.Is there anyone who bought furniture for you?
3.What kind of furniture would you like to buy?
4.Which furniture do you like best in your home?
1.Do you often write with a pen?
2.Can we tell someone’s personality from his or her handwriting?
3.What’s the difference of writing with a pen and typing on a computer?
4.Is your handwriting easy to read for other people?
1.Do you make a list when you shop?
2.Do you make a list for your work?(Does it work?)
3.Why don't some people like making lists?
1.Did you go on a picnic when you were a child?
2.How often do you go on a picnic now?
3.Where do you go on a picnic?
4.What is the difference between picnic and cooking at home?
1.Do you recycle now?Why?
2.Did you recycle when you were a kid?
3.Will you recycle in the future?
4.What kind of things do you recycle?
1.What sports did you do when you were a kid?
2.What’s your favorite sport?Why?
3.Do you watch sport matches?Why?
4.Are you a fan of any sport teams?Why?
Text message
1.Do you like texting?
2.Do you prefer sending or receiving messages?
3.Have you ever received a confusing text message?
4.In what circumstances is making a phone call better than sending a text message?
In a hurry
1.What do you always do in a hurry?Why?
2.What kind of things would you never do in a hurry?
3.Do you usually go out in a hurry?
4.Do you like to be in a hurry?
1.What do you usually do on weekends?
2.Did you do anything special last weekend?
3.What will you do next weekend?
4.What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends?
1.Do you reduce your spending recenly?
2.Do you compare prices?
3.Do you negotiate prices?
Part 2
1.Describe a time when you saw children behaved badly in public.
2.Describe a film that made you laugh.
3.Describe a time when you did not enjoy the music in an event.
4.Describe a sentence or a few words from a poem or a song.
5.Describe a job you would like to do in a foreign country for a short term.
6.Describe a person who you think is very open.
7.Describea book you read that you find useful.
8.Describe an occasion when you forget something important.
9.Describean activity you attend occasionally which is a bit expensive.
10.Describe a family you like a lot.
11.Describe a photograph you like.
12.Describe a time when a friend told you something you are not interested in.
13.Describe a skill that you learned when you were a child.
14.Describe a time you got into contact with an old friend.
15.Describe a time you were scared by an animal.
16.Describe a time when you won a prize.
17.Describe a person who likes to help others.
18.Describe a tradition in your country.
19.Describe a good news you heard.
20.Describe a good decision you made recently.
21.Describe an enjoyable dinner that you had with friends.

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