2019-02-26 15:56 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心 来自:未知导读:雅思写作大作文必备语法知识点依次介绍了定语从句、宾语从句、状语从句3个语法点,同学们可以参考一下,希望能提高大家的写作能力。 大作文 需要备好各种从句:其中5.5分以上必备三大经典从句:定语从句、宾语从句、状语从句) 1. 定语从句: 多用who(指人)、w
1. 定语从句:多用who(指人)、which(指物)、that(即可指人也可以指物),还有一个经典的容易被忽视的定语从句在大作文中可以表达事件发生的原因:即由why引导的固定句型...the reason(s) why... E.g:There may be some reasons why entertainment stars earn high salaries but overall Iagree that they are overpaid.
2. 宾语从句:文章中提出观点的好句型,无论是你自己的观点还是文章中原来给出的观点都可以。建议多用that引导的,不容易出错,如:some people think/agree/suggest/insist that... E.g:A growing number of parents believe that being overly dependent on social networkingwebsites only makes their children more isolated in the real world.
A.时间状语从句(引导词:when/as/while/since/the moment...) E.g:The related sectors should take effective measures the moment the problem appeared.
B.地点状语从句(引导词:where/wherever) E.g:Generally,air will be heavily polluted where there are factories.
C.原因状语从句(引导词:because/since/as/seeing that...) E.g:As this policy would also affect the cost of public transport, it would be very unpopularwith everyone who needs to travel on the roads.
D.条件状语从句(引导词:if/as long as/providing that/provided that...) E.g:The government will increase its support for public education, provided that such funds canbe put to good use.
E.让步状语从句(就是转折关系,引导词:though/although/while/no matterwho/where/which/how...)
E.g:*While (表示二者对比)some people link happiness to wealth and material success, othersthink it lies in emotions and loving personal relationships. *Even though it is unlikely that all workers do feel happy in their work, I think it is notunrealistic to promote more job satisfaction in any job.

1. 定语从句:多用who(指人)、which(指物)、that(即可指人也可以指物),还有一个经典的容易被忽视的定语从句在大作文中可以表达事件发生的原因:即由why引导的固定句型...the reason(s) why... E.g:There may be some reasons why entertainment stars earn high salaries but overall Iagree that they are overpaid.
2. 宾语从句:文章中提出观点的好句型,无论是你自己的观点还是文章中原来给出的观点都可以。建议多用that引导的,不容易出错,如:some people think/agree/suggest/insist that... E.g:A growing number of parents believe that being overly dependent on social networkingwebsites only makes their children more isolated in the real world.
A.时间状语从句(引导词:when/as/while/since/the moment...) E.g:The related sectors should take effective measures the moment the problem appeared.
B.地点状语从句(引导词:where/wherever) E.g:Generally,air will be heavily polluted where there are factories.
C.原因状语从句(引导词:because/since/as/seeing that...) E.g:As this policy would also affect the cost of public transport, it would be very unpopularwith everyone who needs to travel on the roads.
D.条件状语从句(引导词:if/as long as/providing that/provided that...) E.g:The government will increase its support for public education, provided that such funds canbe put to good use.
E.让步状语从句(就是转折关系,引导词:though/although/while/no matterwho/where/which/how...)
E.g:*While (表示二者对比)some people link happiness to wealth and material success, othersthink it lies in emotions and loving personal relationships. *Even though it is unlikely that all workers do feel happy in their work, I think it is notunrealistic to promote more job satisfaction in any job.
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