2018-04-16 10:27 | 编辑:川外培训 来自:未知导读:雅思阅读中的同义词替换非常重要,熟悉这些词汇将会大大提高抓关键词速度和做题正确率。 1. 同意,支持advocate, argue for, vote for, in favour of, prefer (to), side with, agree, support, uphold, commend, consent, assent, concur. advocate (v.) : E
1. 同意,支持advocate, argue for, vote for, in favour of, prefer (to), side with, agree, support, uphold, commend, consent, assent, concur.
advocate (v.): E.g. Those who advocate doctor-assisted suicide say the terminally ill should not have to suffer.
argue for (反:argue against): E.g. They argued for the right to strike.
E.g. Baker argued against cutting the military budget.
In favour for: I’m all in favour of (= completely support) equal pay for equal work.
side with: She always sided with my brother.
2. 撤离,放弃,离开evacuate, abandon, desert, move out, leave, forsake, quit, vacate, withdraw, send away, depart, run away.
evacuate (v.): e-前缀= out of,灾难性文章的主题例如火山、飓风、海啸等,经常出现evacuate
E.g. During the war he was evacuated to Scotland.
desert (v.): E.g. He deserted her for another woman.
forsake (v.): E.g. He has forsaken his native Finland to live in Britain.
vacate (v.): E.g. Guests must vacate their rooms by 11:00.
depart (v.): E.g. The bus was due to depart at any moment.
departure (n.):de-前缀=相反、移除、减少
E.g. deforest, depopulation, debone
3. 成熟,成年mature, adult, grown-up, full-grown, ripe, of age, seasoned, fully-fledged, mellow.
mature (a./v.): E.g. Laura is very mature for her age.
E.g. The human brain isn'tfully mature until about age 25.
ripe (a.): Don't pick the apples until they're really ripe.
seasoned (a.): 经验丰富的
E.g. We need a seasoned manager to run this project.
full-fledged (a.): E.g. India has the potential to become a full-fledged major power.
4. 合作,同伴,同事cooperate, work with(together), collaborate, collaborator, coordinate, co-worker, colleague, fellow worker, workmate, partner, team-mate, associate, company.
(co-前缀= together with)
company (n.): 公司;同伴
associate (n.): 同事 E.g. business associates
collaborate (v.): E.g. Elephants collaborate in looking after their young.
5.过时的out of date, outdated (反义backbone), old-fashioned, antiquated, dated, expired, invalid, obsolete, passé, outmoded, outworn(=worn out).
out of date: E.g. out-of-date technology
antiquated (a.): E.g. Hospitals suffer from inadequate facilities, antiquated equipment and shortages of medical supplies.
expired (a.): 过期的(ex-前缀=out of,例如export, exit)
E.g. The lease on the flat expired on June 14th.
obsolete (a.): E.g. computer hardware quickly became obsolete.
E.g. Will computersrender (=make) booksobsolete?
passé: 来自于法语
outworn (a.): E.g. outworn traditions
6. 好处,优势,价值merit, worth, value, advantage, excellence, goodness, strong point, quality, advantage, benefit, plus.
quality (n./a.): 这个词本身就有质量好的意思,并不一定需要在前面加high或good。 E.g. wines of quality
worth (n.): E.g. The new computer system has already proved its worth.
E.g. This art collection is worth a fortune (=worth a very large amount of money).
value (n.): E.g. A group of athletes spoke to the students about the value of a college education.
E.g. I hope this book will be of value to both teachers and students.
excellence (n.): E.g. the university's reputation for excellence.
plus (n.): E.g. The hotel's closeness to the beach is definitely a plus.
7. 上瘾的,沉溺于,依赖于,致力于addicted(to), dependent, hooked, habituated, devoted, obsessed.
be addicted to: E.g. kids are often addicted to surfing the Net.
addict (n.): E.g. TV/video game etc addict
dependent (a.): E.g. Norway's economy isheavily dependenton natural resources.(反:independent)
obsessed (a.): 本意:过度关心/在乎
E.g. A lot of young girls are obsessed by their weight.
E.g. The thought of seeing him again completely obsessed her.
devoted (a.): E.g. The journal had a devoted following of around 1000 subscribers.
devote (v.): E.g. She devoted herself full-time to her business.
E.g. She's devoting all her energies to the wedding plans.
8. 坐落于locate, situate, stand, seat, settle.
located (a.): E.g. The business is located right in the center of city.
situated (a.): E.g. The hotel is ideally situated near the sea-front.
stand (v.): E.g. The castle stands on the site of an ancient battlefield.
seat (v.): E.g. Mrs. Summer was seated at the table directly opposite her husband.
9. 多样化的,不同的varied, different, various, diverse, heterogeneous, assorted, miscellaneous, mixed.
10.住处habitat, house, home, abode, domicile, dwelling, residence.
11. 密集的,稠密的,厚的,压缩的dense, heavy(heavily populated area), thick, condensed, compact, impenetrable, opaque, solid.
dense (a.): E.g. densely-populated area=heavily-populated area
thick (a.): E.g. The furniture was thick with dust (=there was thick dust on the furniture).
condense (v): E.g. This whole chapter could be condensed into a few paragraphs.
E.g. condensed milk
compact (a.): E.g. a compact car
E.g. CD=compact disk
12. 目标,目的target, goal ,aim, object, objective.
target (n./v.): E.g. A collection like this makes your house an obvious target for burglars.
E.g. prime target
E.g. a new benefit targeted on/at low-income families
object (n.): E.g. The object of the exercise was to build a sense of teamwork.
objective (n.): E.g. career objectives/ accomplish an objective/ achieve/meet an objective
13.双倍double, twice, two times, coupled, dual, twofold, duplicate, twin.
14. 公正的,合理的justified, reasonable, acceptable, logical, sensible, plausible, practical, sound, rational, well-organized.
15. 喜欢like, enjoy, be fond of, be keen on, delight in, go for, love, favour, prefer (to), preference.
16.移民immigrant, settler, incomer.
17. 由…组成consist of, be composed of, be made up of, comprise, contain, include, involve, amount to, feature.
18. 通常的 standard, universal, usual, established, accepted, customary, orthodox, regular.
19. 昂贵的costly, expensive, highly-priced, exorbitant, dear, stiff, Rolls-Royce,exclusive, luxurious, rip-off, posh.
rip-off: 索价过高的物品;黑店。
20. 有名的,著名的famous, well-known, celebrated, prominent, renowned, distinguished, acclaimed, noted, notable, long-established, eminent.
celebrated (a.): E.g. a celebrated professor
E.g. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his celebrated speech before the Lincoln Memorial in 1963.
celebrity (n.) 社会名流
prominent (a.): E.g. She was prominent in the fashion industry.
long-established (a.): 多年从事经营的;开办很久的
1. 同意,支持advocate, argue for, vote for, in favour of, prefer (to), side with, agree, support, uphold, commend, consent, assent, concur.
advocate (v.): E.g. Those who advocate doctor-assisted suicide say the terminally ill should not have to suffer.
argue for (反:argue against): E.g. They argued for the right to strike.
E.g. Baker argued against cutting the military budget.
In favour for: I’m all in favour of (= completely support) equal pay for equal work.
side with: She always sided with my brother.
2. 撤离,放弃,离开evacuate, abandon, desert, move out, leave, forsake, quit, vacate, withdraw, send away, depart, run away.
evacuate (v.): e-前缀= out of,灾难性文章的主题例如火山、飓风、海啸等,经常出现evacuate
E.g. During the war he was evacuated to Scotland.
desert (v.): E.g. He deserted her for another woman.
forsake (v.): E.g. He has forsaken his native Finland to live in Britain.
vacate (v.): E.g. Guests must vacate their rooms by 11:00.
depart (v.): E.g. The bus was due to depart at any moment.
departure (n.):de-前缀=相反、移除、减少
E.g. deforest, depopulation, debone
3. 成熟,成年mature, adult, grown-up, full-grown, ripe, of age, seasoned, fully-fledged, mellow.
mature (a./v.): E.g. Laura is very mature for her age.
E.g. The human brain isn'tfully mature until about age 25.
ripe (a.): Don't pick the apples until they're really ripe.
seasoned (a.): 经验丰富的
E.g. We need a seasoned manager to run this project.
full-fledged (a.): E.g. India has the potential to become a full-fledged major power.
4. 合作,同伴,同事cooperate, work with(together), collaborate, collaborator, coordinate, co-worker, colleague, fellow worker, workmate, partner, team-mate, associate, company.
(co-前缀= together with)
company (n.): 公司;同伴
associate (n.): 同事 E.g. business associates
collaborate (v.): E.g. Elephants collaborate in looking after their young.
5.过时的out of date, outdated (反义backbone), old-fashioned, antiquated, dated, expired, invalid, obsolete, passé, outmoded, outworn(=worn out).
out of date: E.g. out-of-date technology
antiquated (a.): E.g. Hospitals suffer from inadequate facilities, antiquated equipment and shortages of medical supplies.
expired (a.): 过期的(ex-前缀=out of,例如export, exit)
E.g. The lease on the flat expired on June 14th.
obsolete (a.): E.g. computer hardware quickly became obsolete.
E.g. Will computersrender (=make) booksobsolete?
passé: 来自于法语
outworn (a.): E.g. outworn traditions
6. 好处,优势,价值merit, worth, value, advantage, excellence, goodness, strong point, quality, advantage, benefit, plus.
quality (n./a.): 这个词本身就有质量好的意思,并不一定需要在前面加high或good。 E.g. wines of quality
worth (n.): E.g. The new computer system has already proved its worth.
E.g. This art collection is worth a fortune (=worth a very large amount of money).
value (n.): E.g. A group of athletes spoke to the students about the value of a college education.
E.g. I hope this book will be of value to both teachers and students.
excellence (n.): E.g. the university's reputation for excellence.
plus (n.): E.g. The hotel's closeness to the beach is definitely a plus.
7. 上瘾的,沉溺于,依赖于,致力于addicted(to), dependent, hooked, habituated, devoted, obsessed.
be addicted to: E.g. kids are often addicted to surfing the Net.
addict (n.): E.g. TV/video game etc addict
dependent (a.): E.g. Norway's economy isheavily dependenton natural resources.(反:independent)
obsessed (a.): 本意:过度关心/在乎
E.g. A lot of young girls are obsessed by their weight.
E.g. The thought of seeing him again completely obsessed her.
devoted (a.): E.g. The journal had a devoted following of around 1000 subscribers.
devote (v.): E.g. She devoted herself full-time to her business.
E.g. She's devoting all her energies to the wedding plans.
8. 坐落于locate, situate, stand, seat, settle.
located (a.): E.g. The business is located right in the center of city.
situated (a.): E.g. The hotel is ideally situated near the sea-front.
stand (v.): E.g. The castle stands on the site of an ancient battlefield.
seat (v.): E.g. Mrs. Summer was seated at the table directly opposite her husband.
9. 多样化的,不同的varied, different, various, diverse, heterogeneous, assorted, miscellaneous, mixed.
10.住处habitat, house, home, abode, domicile, dwelling, residence.
11. 密集的,稠密的,厚的,压缩的dense, heavy(heavily populated area), thick, condensed, compact, impenetrable, opaque, solid.
dense (a.): E.g. densely-populated area=heavily-populated area
thick (a.): E.g. The furniture was thick with dust (=there was thick dust on the furniture).
condense (v): E.g. This whole chapter could be condensed into a few paragraphs.
E.g. condensed milk
compact (a.): E.g. a compact car
E.g. CD=compact disk
12. 目标,目的target, goal ,aim, object, objective.
target (n./v.): E.g. A collection like this makes your house an obvious target for burglars.
E.g. prime target
E.g. a new benefit targeted on/at low-income families
object (n.): E.g. The object of the exercise was to build a sense of teamwork.
objective (n.): E.g. career objectives/ accomplish an objective/ achieve/meet an objective
13.双倍double, twice, two times, coupled, dual, twofold, duplicate, twin.
14. 公正的,合理的justified, reasonable, acceptable, logical, sensible, plausible, practical, sound, rational, well-organized.
15. 喜欢like, enjoy, be fond of, be keen on, delight in, go for, love, favour, prefer (to), preference.
16.移民immigrant, settler, incomer.
17. 由…组成consist of, be composed of, be made up of, comprise, contain, include, involve, amount to, feature.
18. 通常的 standard, universal, usual, established, accepted, customary, orthodox, regular.
19. 昂贵的costly, expensive, highly-priced, exorbitant, dear, stiff, Rolls-Royce,exclusive, luxurious, rip-off, posh.
rip-off: 索价过高的物品;黑店。
20. 有名的,著名的famous, well-known, celebrated, prominent, renowned, distinguished, acclaimed, noted, notable, long-established, eminent.
celebrated (a.): E.g. a celebrated professor
E.g. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his celebrated speech before the Lincoln Memorial in 1963.
celebrity (n.) 社会名流
prominent (a.): E.g. She was prominent in the fashion industry.
long-established (a.): 多年从事经营的;开办很久的
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