2014-12-06 10:31 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心 来自:未知导读:俄罗斯之声广播电台3月28日文章,原题:中国第一夫人外交含蓄登场 在中国的政治词汇中,很早以前就已出现熊猫外交和乒乓外交这样形象的语言。不久前,受中国国家主席习近平夫人的邀请,奥巴马总统夫人米歇尔访华,由此又出现了前所未有的第一夫人外交这样的
俄罗斯之声广播电台3月28日文章,原题:中国“第一夫人外交”含蓄登场 在中国的政治词汇中,很早以前就已出现“熊猫外交”和“乒乓外交”这样形象的语言。不久前,受中国国家主席习近平夫人的邀请,奥巴马总统夫人米歇尔访华,由此又出现了前所未有的“第一夫人外交”这样的语句,添加了新的政治现实。
Russian radio voice of the March 28th article, the original title: China "first lady diplomacy" implicit debut in Chinese political vocabulary, long ago there had been a "panda diplomacy" and "ping pong diplomacy" such a vivid language. Not long ago, the Chinese President Xi Jinping's invitation, President Obama's wife, Michel's visit to China, which has hitherto unknown "first lady diplomacy" such statements, adding to the new political reality.
In China first lady Peng Liyuan's invitation, Michel Obama with two daughters and mothers of Chinese made a week-long trip. For Michel, in addition to the visit to carrying the mother line, this kind of round the world brigade is not what new things. But Mr Xi lady is the first time in China reception of foreign heads of state to visit mrs Strictly speaking, the China, concept of the first lady is the incumbent President Xi Jinping power has a meaning. Previous leaders lady has been behind the scenes, even in the China home, it is difficult to have who can smooth out the name of the wife of former president.
But Ms Peng Liyuan is another situation. In many ways, Peng Liyuan with his positive attitude, so that she and the west traditional first lady image is more similar to her attention: rural education, as WHO goodwill ambassador for several years, and led Chinese anti TB action.
Peng Liyuan knows the fashionable dress is another important trait, which makes Chinese admiration with. Last year, "Vanity Fair" magazine or will she be included in the annual best dressed list. Moreover, Chinese first lady also tend to their own designer.
其实,米歇尔·奥巴马对时尚也颇在意,这一点在她的中国之行中就能看得出来。中国博客主们甚至还对两位第一夫人谁的着装更好、更精细进行非公开的比较。而时装界的专家们也在她们服装的选择上找到了内在的政治含义。“米歇尔·奥巴马选择的是红色和黑色的服装,显示出大胆与鲜亮,颇具美国特色。而彭丽媛选择的是亮灰色和暗绿色,这些浅色调折射出的是中国的含蓄风格。这两个国家有着不同的自我显示方法:中国是含蓄而内敛的,而美国则是张扬与直线的。” 《iLOOK》的出版人、中国时装界名人洪晃这样评论道。
In fact, Michel Obama is also quite concerned about the fashion, this point can be in her China trip to see. Chinese bloggers or even to the two first ladies who wear better, more sophisticated non open comparison. But experts fashion in their choice of clothing to find political implications inherent. "Michel Obama is the choice of red and black clothing, show the bold and bright, very American characteristics. While Peng Liyuan is the light grey and dark green, the refraction of light color is implicit style Chinese. These two countries have different self display method: Chinese is subtle and restrained, and America is publicity and line." "ILOOK" publisher, Chinese fashion celebrity Hong Huang commented.
几日紧密交流,中美两国第一夫人似乎相处融洽。两国媒体在对访问进行的评价中,也首次都得出了正面的结论。尽管米歇尔女士访华已经提前宣布为非政治上的事件,但是,这一事件本身完全可能结出政治上的果实。“以往,中美两国第一夫人没有什么特别的相互协作。但是,也许本次会晤含有某种信号。” “文化遗产”基金会亚洲研究中心专家陈京(音译)在《华盛顿邮报》强调说。
Days close exchanges, China and the United States first lady seemed to live in harmony. The media of the two countries in the evaluation of access to, for the first time have made positive conclusion. Although MS Michel's visit to China has been announced in advance is a non political event, however, the event itself may produce political fruit. "In the past, China and the United States first lady without what special cooperation. But, perhaps this meeting with some kind of signal." "Cultural heritage" Fund Asia Research Center expert Chen Jing (transliteration) in Washington Post "stressed".
"First lady of diplomatic, perhaps will become an important tool for China and the United States approach. In the development of bilateral relations, the diplomacy plays a very important role." China one commentator, expounded the view in "people's Daily" network forum.
The first lady meeting, will bring positive and far-reaching results, time will therefore concluded. During the Hague nuclear summit, Obama thanked the Xi Jinping told his wife and daughter of the warm reception. And make fun of to say: "she played table tennis there, although I think, the highest level this is not our concern over the ping-pong diplomacy." But Mr Xi to peers and hall in attendance said with a smile, already have a week did not see her husband Michel Obama conveyed the greetings to the.
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