2014-07-03 11:25 | 编辑:川外出国培训部 来自:未知导读:有关悉尼大学的图书馆借书规则 1 (可用于G类阅读) Library Resources generally Conditions of use (1) Libraries and Library Resources are provided: (a) primarily for staff and students of the University, who have priority of access and us
有关悉尼大学的图书馆借书规则 1 (可用于G类阅读)
Library Resources generally
Conditions of use
(1) Libraries and Library Resources are provided:
(a) primarily for staff and students of the University, who have priority of access and use at all times;
(b) to facilitate and assist the educational and research activities of the University and its staff and students.
However, the Librarian may determine from time to time who else may use Library Resources and under what conditions.
(2) All Users:
(a) Should be able to work in a Library without unnecessary or unreasonable disturbance or distraction;
(b) Must not do any thing that unreasonably:
(i) Impedes other Users or Library Staff through noisy, annoying, dangerous or otherwise disruptive behaviour;
(ii) Restricts or limits other Users or Library Staff from having access to or using Library Resources;
(iii) Diverts Library Staff from carrying out their normal duties.
(c) Must, if and when directed by Library Staff to do so:
(i) produce their Library Card or other form of identification;
(ii) make any bag, receptacle or folder brought into a Library available for inspection.
(d) Must not bring any animal into a Library - except a guide dog, hearing assistance dog or other animal trained to alleviate the effect of a disability as defined in section 9 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth)。
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