2014-06-27 10:25 | 编辑:川外出国培训部 来自:未知导读:Task Two Some famous universities lower their academic requirements to enroll students who have outstanding athletic talents. To what extent do you agree with this practice? Give reasons based on your experience. You should write at least
Task Two
Some famous universities lower their academic requirements to enroll students who have outstanding athletic talents. To what extent do you agree with this practice? Give reasons based on your experience.
You should write at least 250 words and spend approximately 40 minutes on this task.
Sample 1
It becomes more and more common that many universities, especially those famous universities, lower their academic standards to enrol students who have special athletic talents. I think this activity of universities is reasonable and accepted.
First, students who have special athletic talents often have poor academic scores. They maybe have no opportunities to receive higher education because of their poor studies. Universities which lower their academic standards to enrol them can make these students turn their dreams into realities. Sometimes those universities which enrol the students who have special athletic talents have better conditions for athletic students to improve their athletic levels.
Second. It is also very helpful for universities which accept athletic students to improve their fames. Competition between universities are extensive. Most famous universities pay their attentions not only to academic researches but to many other aspects, for example arts and sports. Good athletic scores can improve the fames of the universities which can attract more exelent students. All these are competitive for universities.
All above, enroling athletic students by lower their academic standards has more advantages for universities though it perhaps can bring some disadvantages to them. (190 words)
fames T fame(不可数名词,不能有复数形式)
exelent T excellent
enroling T enrolling
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