2014-06-11 10:13 | 编辑:川外出国培训部 来自:未知导读:对于雅思大作文而言,观点的选择一项非常重要,但是从实际情况来看,雅思大作文思路问题层出不穷,为此特收集整理雅思大作文思路问题介绍,分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助,下面一起来看看吧: 雅思大作文思路问题1 not enough ideas 观点不够 This is one
雅思大作文思路问题1 – not enough ideas 观点不够
This is one of most common reasons for candidates to go wrong in the writing paper. They see a question. Try to think of ideas. Come up empty and panic. You will find part of my solution to this below. For now, I will just say that you need very few ideas to write a good essay and those ideas can be simple ideas too. Don't buy a book on ideas for essays, instead learn this tip:
Tip – you need only 2 ideas to write an essay and those ideas are often found in the question
雅思大作文思路问题 2 – the ideas are confused 观点混淆
This is also a very common mistake. There are plenty of ideas to write an essay. The problem is that the reader/examiner does not know what the main ideas are.
Tip – make sure you have one main idea per paragraph. This should be clear from the first sentence of the paragraph
雅思大作文思路问题 3 – too many ideas 观点太多
Yes, some people do have too many ideas. This is a trap for candidates aiming for a high score. In particular, if they are used to writing academic essays. IELTS is a 250 word essay marked on language. That means it is probably much shorter than you are used to and there are no marks for quality and quantity of ideas.
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