2014-02-14 10:13 | 编辑:川外教育 来自:未知导读:雅思阅读考试因其题量大,时间紧,话题多样等特点,变成很多考生的心头之患。因此也会有一些考生会头脑狂热的想通过题海战术来征服雅思阅读。那有什么好的方法吗? In order to understand a reading passage, you need to understand the context of a pass
In order to understand a reading passage, you need to understand the context of a passage. You need to have a clue about the topic. When you pick up a paper to read, you scan the headlines and choose an arti¬cle that interests you. The clues in the newspaper (headlines, graphics, photos) catch your eye and give you a context.
A passage on the IELTS is given to you; you did not choose to read it. There are few clues. You do not know what it is about. It may or may not interest you. Yet in order to understand it, you need some clues to help you understand the passage. Without the clues, you will not understand it very well. To score welt on the IELTS, you should determine what you know and what you need to know.
When you look at a passage, you must make some predictions about the passage.
What is the passage about?
What is the main idea?
Who are the characters?
When are things taking place?
Where is it happening?
Why is it important?
You wanr to know who, what, when, where, and why.
In this section you will learn how the following can give you the answers to: Who? What? When? Where? and Why?
Using the first paragraph
Using the topic sentences Using specific details
Using the questions and answers
更多资讯请访问 》》》川外雅思培训中心

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