2014-02-07 10:00 | 编辑:川外教育 来自:未知导读:据很多专家表示雅思口语不需要使用非常艰难晦涩的句型和词汇~ 用一些地道简单的小句型,会为自己的答案加分不少~本文是从国外的雅思备考网站上找到的关于学习的家乡资料~希望对大家有所帮助! 1. We left home and set up house together in another part of
据很多专家表示雅思口语不需要使用非常艰难晦涩的句型和词汇~ 用一些地道简单的小句型,会为自己的答案加分不少~本文是从国外的雅思备考网站上找到的关于学习的家乡资料~希望对大家有所帮助!
1. We left home and set up house together in another part of town. (infml)
(begin to live independently in a house)
2. The first thing you must do is to find some accommodation.
(somewhere to live or stay)
3. The town has 20000 inhabitants.
(people who lives in a country, town, etc.)
4. Are you resident in the UK.
(If your home is in a particular country, town , wtc. you are a resident of that place)
5. I haven't met my next-door neighbour.
(a person who lives in the house nearest to yours)
6. I am native of London.
(a person who was born in a particular place)
7. If you get lost, ask one of the locals.
(a person who lives in a particular place)
8. Homelessness is a growing problem in inner-city areas.
(the condition of being homeless)
9. A lot of people / homeless sleep rough / live rough in cardboard boxes.
(you sleep outside because you have no home)
10. The families were evicted for not paying the rent.
(to force a person to leave the building or land where they live)
11. We're moving house next week.
(you go and live in another house)
12. We must vacate the flat by the end of the year.
(you stop living in a house and take your belongings away)
13. We haven't met the people who have moved in next door.
(you bring your belongings to a new house and being to live in it)
14. We have got used to a better standard of living.
(the level of money and comfort that people have in their everyday lives)
15. Some people live on bread and water.
(to have something as your only food)
16. In most big towns, there is a commercial centre.
(an area with lots of banks and company offices)
更多资讯请访问 》》》川外雅思培训中心

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