2019-01-25 13:54 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心 来自:未知导读:雅思口语 范文材料为高分学生原创,主要描述的是在学校里面做的手工活动,雅思口语成绩的提高需要漫长积累的过程,不能一步登天找对口语范文材料特别关键,下面上海朗阁教育小编整理了关于手工制作的雅思口语范文材料,希望能够帮助到各位同学。 英文原文:

I enjoyed all the art and craft classes and activities involved in it. Once I made a book about me and it was an interesting experience to make a book all by myself and about me. The book contained various interesting information about me and my family. I also wrote about my friends in the book and added some pictures of them. In the later stages, the book became the best wealth for me.
Preparing a book for me was difficult. As a child of seven or eight years old, I was unable to collect all the things. I needed paper, book design, crayons, markers, photos and obviously some information about me and my surrounding people placed on the book. My siblings helped me greatly to collect all the materials and make the work complete. I had to collect information and images from my friends and parents to fill spaces in the book.
The project was individual, but I took helps from my friends and particularly from my elder brother. My brother arranged the necessary materials. I asked to bring some coloured papers and he brought accordingly. Moreover, I asked a friend to collect information about few other friends. One more thing to share. It was a time-bound project. The teacher allowed us only a day to complete the project and submit to her. I was glad to gather everything in time.
I enjoyed making the book and it was fun. I had never made such books or worked in such art and craft project. Thanks to the teacher for her endeavour to arrange such an event. In fact, the entire process made me confident. I felt joy and pride inside me. My book was chosen as the best among the items submitted by many other students.
You should say
what it was
what you did for this activity
who you did it with
更多资讯请访问 》》》川外雅思培训中心

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