2021-04-20 10:12 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心 来自:未知针对近期美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)的考试项目在英国被暂停事件所引发的一些疑虑 ,英国内政部和美国教育考试服务中心(ETS) 发表联合声明:在英国以外参加考试并申请签证的考生并不受此次事件影响。英国内政部已经确认申请人在英国以外参加考试并申请签证的,托福和托业成绩依然有效。这些申请会照常由移民局官员审核。以下是声明原文:
“As there has been some confusion regarding the recent suspension of ETS tests in the UK, the Home Office and ETS have collaborated to provide this clarification to the higher education community.
The UK Home Office has directed ETS to suspend TOEIC and TOEFL testing at this time in the UK for those who plan to use their scores for UK immigration purposes. This action was taken after evidence of fraudulent TOEIC testing in the UK was presented in the BBC program Panorama.
The TOEFL test was not involved in any way in the fraudulent activities reported in the Panorama program. However, as the Home Office license is with ETS as a whole it covers both the TOEIC and TOEFL tests. As a result of the suspension of the TOEIC test, the TOEFL test was also suspended.
At this time, individuals already in the UK who are planning to apply for a visa may continue to use a TOEIC or TOEFL test to provide evidence of English proficiency for their application but applications submitted from within the UK with a TOEFL or TOEIC score will be set aside at this time.
For individuals who are both applying for a visa and testing outside the UK there is no change. The Home Office has confirmed that TOEFL and TOEIC tests may continue to be used when a person is both testing and applying for a visa outside the UK. The application will be reviewed by immigration officials as before.
Over the next 30 days ETS will work with the Home Office to provide information and take any necessary actions in order to restore confidence in the TOEIC test.”
针对近期美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)的考试项目在英国被暂停事件所引发的一些疑虑 ,英国内政部和美国教育考试服务中心(ETS) 发表联合声明如下:
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