2015-02-27 10:21 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心  来自:未知 
导读:关于托福听力已经取得20分的广阔考生,经常呈现一个很大的疑问:为何在听懂讲座的80%以上的情况下,还是总会做错标题呢,并且犯错标题类型不定。首要,咱们应当对自个的听力能力要有决心,而再提高的方面有以下几点: 榜首 听力文本的结构性 信任做过TPO听力
    榜首  听力文本的结构性
    "Take American alligators. If you were to go to a swamp during the breeding season, you'd hear a chorus of sounds, deep grunts, hisses, these are sounds that male alligators make.
    And some of them are powerful enough to make the water vibrate. This sends a strong, go-away message to the other males. So the alligator can focus on sending other sound waves through the water, sound waves that you and I couldn't even hear since they are at such low frequency. But they do reach the female alligator, who then goes to find and mate with the male.
    Vocalization is um...well, it is used for other reasons..."
    经过信号词(take American alligators和used for other reasons)断定这是一个小层次,在笔记中,信任咱们都会记下:
    Ame alligator
    1. Send go away messa-> other
    2. Reach female(mate)
    According to the professor, what are two functions of the sounds made by male alligators? Click 2 answers
    To frighten predators
    To attract mates
    To locate hatchlings
    To threaten other males
    总结每个有些的分观点有两大优点:榜首 能够预判命题的大致内容;第二能避免信息紊乱,尤其是在做下面的标题时,能够起到差异和定位的效果。
    第二  听力标题了解上的改动
    1. 笼统词具体化了解
    假如呈现way/method/approach,咱们就要清晰最初会呈现:how 这样的字眼,那么咱们就要去挑选有关办法的答案
    2. 极点词排除法
    在选项中常呈现极点词汇为:first, second, the most..., new, never, always,而这些词往往是过错选项,咱们不需求去过多的考虑
    3. 句意颠倒
    选项中常呈现答案是与听力原稿中彻底相反的情况,咱们需求认真听取这个细节,最佳是在笔记中用符号将前后两个名词联络起来,最常用"—>",例如(TPO24 考古):
    "And with that came increased seasonality, that is, the summers became warmer, and the winters actually became colder. These extreme shifts would have put a lot of stress on the bodies of animals that were used to a more moderate range of temperatures."
    "But when the seasons became more distinct, the plant communities were pulled apart, that meant, in any given area, there was less plant diversity. And as a result, uh, so the theory goes, the Ice Age animals that depended on plant diversity couldn't survive."
    Extreme temp -> stress -> animal body
    Temp-> plant less diversity -> animal not survive
    26. According to the climate change theory, how did the climate change at the end of the ice age make it more difficult for large animals to survive? Click on 2 answers
    By reducing the size of their habitats
    By forcing them to endure a wider range of temperatures
    By reducing the variety of food available to them
    By forcing them to live near humans
    4. 时间联络宗旨
    许多时分,咱们在听的一知半解的情况下,或许在两个选项中纠结时,需求及时联想起本篇听力的宗旨,这样就能够将答案选出。但有时分咱们要多依托每个有些的topic sentence解题。例如(TPO 第二个对话):
    Professor: That's it. Basically. Um... so exactly what is it you don't understand?
    Student: OK. I guess what I am really confused about is how the topography of the land, the mountains and valleys and stuff, affects precipitation.
    ?Topog -> precipitation
    20. What aspect of the hydrologic cycle is the student confused about?
    How the process of evaporation works
    How topographical features affect precipitation
    How water vapor in the atmosphere becomes rain
    How lake water fits into the cycle 



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