2019-12-21 15:10 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心 来自:未知导读:真正的勇士要敢于面对自己惨淡的人生,有责任的考生要勇于面对自己的错误。在SAT写作中常见的错误有哪些呢?下面就跟着川外培训名师一起来学习下吧。
1. The tomatoes at this fruit stand are much more plumps, fresh and tasty than the fruit stand located in the lobby of the building in which I work. Much more plump, fresh and tasty than those sold at the fruit stand located in the lobby of the building.
点评:这个句子中比较了多个项目。在多个比较中可以用“much more/less adj+adj+adj+...”的形式。
2. Although we were opposed to the program, we thought that despite its bilateral support, it would accomplish a little. We opposed the program, despite its bilateral support, because we thought it would accomplish little.
3. The U tiger, a relative of the B tiger, has been described as the strongest tiger and also the most peaceful of them. U the strongest and yet the most peaceful of tigers.
4. While several baseball teams have tried to supplant the Yankees as the dominant team in baseball, their inability has been unable to win even half as many WS as the Yankees have won in the past one hundred years. they have been unable CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United States
点评:平行结构,时态,句式一致。CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United States
5. If we compare the number of alligators with the Gila monsters over time, we see that the alligator is in decline. A comparison overtime of the numbers of alligators and Gila monsters shows that alligators are
6. The price of gold has been influenced by continued inflation and because people have lost faith in the dollar. Loss of faith
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