2014-08-15 15:16 | 编辑:川外培训 来自:未知导读:SAT作文题材和框架 本文为大家分享的是SAT写作中的题材和框架,大家按照写作框架搜集一些相关资料以免遇到比较生的题目会没有材料去写,本文内容供大家参考。 川外培训 关键词: SAT作文题材和框架,SAT作文, Is it more important to do work that one find
Is it more important to do work that one finds fulfiling or work that pays well?
开头段:Working for a well-paid job is more important. When one can get a considerable income, he can utilize this amount of wealth to do those things he finds fulfilling. The King of Steel, Andrew Carnegie, is one example that can prove the above point of view.
中间框架: 卡内基童年贫苦——只能读夜校——因此希望帮助更多人读上书——努力工作——内战买了钢的专利权——建了公司——赚了钱——实现梦想——投生教育事业。
参考:童年艰苦 Andrew Carnegie had an arduous childhood: as the age of 13, as an emigrant from Scotland to America, he squeezed in an incredibly tiny apartment with other immigrants. He struggled for his survival, finding a job in one factory after another. Having no access to welfare, to education and medical services, he was deprived of all basic rights.
营造童年梦想Living under this extreme poverty, Andrew Carnegie knew and understood so deeply about the torture within, and he developed a dream to provide a better live for the poor.
营造挣钱Andrew Carnegie took great notice of the business world and his sharp discernment paid him back. During the Civil War, Andrew Carnegie discovered the potential of steel industry and thus bought a patent of steel to operate his own company.
Over 20 thousand employees
A market share of 65%
An annual income of $40 million
横线部分过渡是重点,营造赚钱和满足感的关系:It was this well-paid job that made Andrew Carnegie’s childhood dream come true. With the wealth he had accumulated, he fulfilled his youthful ‘ambition’ by making his contribution to the realms of philanthropy.
营造梦想的实现Paying special attention to libraries and higher education, Carnegie invested in building of many local libraries and Carnegie Mellon University. These efforts changed many American’s lives, offering their invaluable knowledge.
1 总结例子For the example of Andrew Carnegie, we can see that he had made use of his fortune from a well-paid job to do what he urged to do and to achieve a sense of fulfillment.
2 表述观点 Therefore, it is more important to have a well-paid job so that we can accomplish our dreams relying on the wealth we gained from our work.
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