我们都知道普遍意义上的劳动分为脑力劳动(mentallabor)和体力劳动(manual labor)两种。如今,一种新的劳动形式emotional labor(情绪劳动)走入我们的视野。你听说过吗? Emotional labor is a form of emotional regul
GRE写作黄金句型解读1 All these changes in Chinaseconomiclife have brought changes in Chinas social and cultural life as well, many of which unwanted. GRE写作黄金句型解读2 If productivitymeasures theef
新GRE写作五大句型模板1 When thedemandfor something is greater than its supply, producers and suppliers will sense the possibility of making a profit the excess of revenues over expenses is the profit.