2024-08-12 15:14 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心  来自:未知 
导读:已入坑的考鸭都知道,雅思口语考试是有口语题库的。 而我们为大家提供口语题库,是为了帮助小烤鸭们提前熟悉考试可能会考到的话题,并提前做好相应准备。 但,有了口语题库后,不少考鸭也会开始寻找一些口语题目对应的答案,并将这些答案一字不落地背下,等
尤其是Part 3部分,不同于Part 1和Part 2部分,考官总是自由提问,你想要提前准备都没得准备!
之前,我给大家总结过一套Part 2万能句型(👉 雅思口语7分是什么水平?真的很难吗?),很多同学都说非常有帮助!
今天我又给大家总结了一套雅思Part 3答题框架,希望能帮助大家把Part 3说得长,说得好!
题型1:甲方 VS 乙方
⭕ 例题:
• Do young people and old people go to different places on vacation?
• What’s the difference between online shopping and in-store shopping?
• What’s the difference between watching performance live and watching it on TV?
✅ 答题思路:
✅ 答题结构:
They are like chalk and cheese.
甲方 …
But obviously, 乙方 …
To sum up …
✅ 例题演练:
📍 What are the differences between actors or actresses that earn much compared to those who earn little?
They are like chalk and cheese. Those who earn much are almost always the best, who can take over the screen. They can be a main character in a blockbuster, and there’s a big demand for them. 
But obviously, those walk-ons tend to earn little. They play minor roles, which makes it hard for them to really show their skills. To sum up, there’s a world of difference between them.
✅ 拓展训练:
What’s the difference between watching performance live and watching it on TV?
💡 思路提示:
两者之间差异很大,现场演出氛围好(has a good vibe),可以和表演者以及其他粉丝互动,所以有一种归属感(there’s a sense of belonging)。但显然,在电视上看更舒服,可以椅背靠着,腿翘着(sit back and put your feet up)。
✅ 例题:
• Why do some people choose to eat unhealthy food?
• Why do people like listening to negative news?
• Why do people travel out of their hometown to look for jobs?
✅ 答题思路:
✅ 答题结构:
I reckon it could be that …
For example …
So, it all boils down to …
✅ 例题演练:
📍 Why don’t people have enough time nowadays?
I reckon it could be that social media has made it difficult for people to disconnect from their professional lives. 
For example, with social media and everything, it’s hard to ignore a request from a coworker after work, which often means, you need work over time. So, it all boils down to instant messaging technology.
✅ 拓展训练:
Why do people sometimes lie instead of telling the truth?
💡 思路提示:
人们有时说善意的谎言(tell white lies),来照顾别人的感受(care for others’feelings),有时真相是伤人的(the truth hurts)。
例如,当朋友买的新衣服不好看时,你还是会夸奖衣服好看(speak highly of it),这会让朋友很开心(make their day)。所以,这都归结于善意(it all boils down to kindness)。
✅ 例题:
• What are the psychological effects of work?
• How has technology affected the entertainment industry?
• What are the influences when teenagers are addicted to games?
✅ 答题思路:
✅ 答题结构:
It has a postive / negative impact on …
because …
For example …
All in all …
✅ 例题演练:
📍 How has technology affected the entertainment industry?
It has a positive impact on content creators because it’s easy for people to become famous. For example, more uploaders are creating videos and putting them online. They become more well-known and make big bucks.
All in all, the internet is a game changer for the entertainment industry.
✅ 拓展训练:
How has globalization affected your city? 
💡 思路提示:
积极影响包括:让我们有更多选择(it allows us to have more options),例如购物时,可以选择国际品牌。同时,可以增进文化理解(increase cultural understanding)。
负面影响包括:破坏环境(damage the environment),一些国外工厂会排放温室气体(green house gases)。以及,可能一些传统正在消失(we are losing some traditions)。
看到这里,是不是觉得Part 3有底了。


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