2019-08-30 17:11 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心  来自:未知 
导读:1. dessert / desert 甜点 / 沙漠 If you make the main course, Ill make a dessert. 如果你做主菜,那我就来做甜食。 the desert sun 沙漠里的太阳 2. definitely /defiantly绝对地 / 挑衅地 He definitely said hed be here. 他肯定地说了他会到这里来的
1. dessert / desert 甜点 / 沙漠
If you make the main course, I'll make a dessert. 如果你做主菜,那我就来做甜食。
the desert sun 沙漠里的太阳
2. definitely / defiantly 绝对地 / 挑衅地
He definitely said he'd be here. 他肯定地说了他会到这里来的。
a defiant attitude 挑衅的态度
3. socialite / socialist 社交名流 / 社会主义者
a wealthy socialite 富有的社交界名流
He was a socialist all his life. 他一生都是个社会主义者。
4. tortuous/ torturous 弯曲的 / 痛苦的 
He took a tortuous route through back streets. 他走的是偏僻、曲折的街道。
a torturous eight weeks in their prison camp 在战俘集中营度过的痛苦的8周
5. septic / sceptic, skeptic 受感染的 / 怀疑论者,无神论者
 I had my ears pierced and one of them went septic. 我穿了耳洞,有一只耳朵感染了。
He is a sceptic who tries to keep an open mind. 他是一个试图保持开明观点的怀疑论者。
6. causal / casual 因果关系的 / 随便的
Is there a causal relationship between violence on television and violent behaviour? 电视暴力和暴力行为之间有因果关系吗
casual clothes 便裝
7. marital/ martial婚姻的 / 军事的
They've been having marital problems. 他们的婚姻一直有问题。
Renegade forces captured the capital and imposed martial law. 叛军占领了首都,宣布实施军事管制。
8. heroin / heroine 海洛因 / 女主角
a heroin addict 吸食海洛因成瘾者
She was the heroine of the drama. 她是那部剧的女主。


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