2020-01-05 09:56 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心 来自:未知导读:今天川外培训为大家带来一篇ssat创意性写作范文,希望对大家有所帮助。
They was on journey for five days, five hours and five minutes…
They was on a journey for five days, five hours and five minutes, which meant nearly six days without attending school and returning her home. Raylene thought about the worried faces of her teachers and classmates—did they know she didn’t want to quit school? Or did her mother know she was in a different city? Did they call the police and reported her disappearance? What if they treated her father as a criminal and sent him to prison? She thought about all these possibilities, each more horrifying than the other, then she looked down at her swelling legs, which were caused by the mosquitoes, numerous of them. But these itching red bites had distracted her from all those dreadful thoughts. She looked up, and met her father’s concerning eyes. It was hard to tell his facial expression from a six-year-old girl’s angle, but she had formed an unsuitable maturity which allowed her to sense other people’s feelings, even the smallest ones.
“Don’t worry, papa, they don’t hurt,” she made a lie. “It is just that the mosquitos like me too much.”
There was something shinning in Martin’s eyes. He took Raylene away because he missed her so much but she didn’t belong to him after the divorce. He felt the pain was about to kill him so he took her away and escaped, but now he understood the pain was mutual—you could never underestimate what a broken relationship could bring about. He gave her a warm hug and murmured, “I will, when we come back, and I promise.”
Raylene sank into a deep sleep after that on her father’s knees. In her beautiful dream, she was playing in a park with her mom and dad, together.
They was on a journey for five days, five hours and five minutes.
更多资讯请访问 》》》川外SAT培训中心
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