2019-12-21 15:29 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心 来自:未知导读:在备考SAT作文时,大多数考生都会参考范文。范文看了一堆,但还是写不出东西怎么办呢?为了帮助考生解决这一问题,川外培训名师特意为考生整理了SAT作文万能模板。
例子1:Levi Strauss, Gold Rush. Levi found his original plan was a mistake whereas to sell miners’ clothes might be a good idea.
例子2:Great Depression, Subprime debt, consumption-driven economy
例子1:Michelangelo, reclusive, develop his own style, deny his teacher Domenico‘s influence, learn from paintings and sculptures at the palace, learn from examining human bodies
例子2:Steve Jobs, drop out of Reed college, learn what interests him most
例子1:Modern hero, Robert G. Edwards, reproductive medicine, infertility, test-tube baby
例子2:Franklin, D. Roosevelt, 1933 Great Depression, New Deal, unemployment rate, permanently paralyzed
例子1:MIT open course, democratizing education, unlock knowledge, empower mind, easy access for everyone. Every ordinary person is able to learn more than before.
例子2:The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, aims: in America, to expand educational opportunities and access to information technology, support projects facilitating information literacy. The unprivileged group is able to learn more than before.
例子1:Boeing and George Conrad Westervelt: B&W airplane, Pacific Aero Products Co, aviation industry, George: US navy engineer
例子2:Google founders: Sergey Brin and Larry Page, teamwork, largest internet company, search engine
例子1:Vincent Van Gogh, Sunflowers, Nights and The Potato Eaters, a Dutch post-Impressionist painter, depict emotions, discarded traditional doctrine
例子2:Robert G. Edwards, reproductive medicine, infertility, test-tube baby
例子3: William Boeing, son of a lumberman, fascinated by air show in Los Angeles in 1910, built his own plane, take a bold risk during WWI
例子4:Michelangelo, 4 years, irritate the Pope, fired all workers, create masterpiece of all time
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