2013-12-06 16:47 | 编辑:川外教育 来自:未知导读:给大家分享了一篇关于好选择与坏选择的SAT满分作文,并且附有点评,希望对正在备考SAT考试的考生有所帮助! SAT写作真题 1:Are bad choices and good choices equally likely to have negative consequences? In life there is a consequence for every acti
1:Are bad choices and good choices equally likely to have negative consequences?
In life there is a consequence for every action. The misconception that only bad choices will bring about costly consequences has proliferated throughout society when it is obvious that good choices are the ones that bring about unfortunate results.
The aftermath of the Civil War clearly illustrates that even good choices can be costly to a nation. Abraham Lincoln’s decision to go to war with the South in an attempt to save the Union was tough to make but absolutely necessary. Lincoln foresaw that the United States of America had a chance to become a great nation and that a split could only lead to deleterious effects. Therefore, Lincoln made the best decision to wage war for the greater good in the end and because of this choice, America was able to remain united and it prospered. However, the Civil War was costly in terms of the economy and the loss of lives. The civil War is the war in which most American lives were lost in all of American history as a whole generation of men were left on the battlefield. The choice to fight and to save the Union was beneficial in the end but the price was great.
In Sophocles’ Greek play, “Antigone,” the heroine’s decision to honor her brother by burying him caused great trouble in Thebes.Antigone lost both of her brothers during an upheaval in Thebes and a law was passed that whomever tried to bury one of the brothers, viewed as a rebel, would be sentenced to death. However, this threat does not frighten Antigone as she ignores it and buries her brother anyway. She only replies when demanded of why was, “I Shall never desert him. Never.” This choice to ignore the law and uphold the moral law to her brother is justified. However, her death causes her fiance to commit suicide which causes the mother of her fiance to kill herself, as well. Three lives were lost just to uphold all that is moral and just in the act of being loyal to one’s family.
Consequences are inevitable whether they are foreseen or not. It is those decisions that bring about the greater good that are wise to take in life.
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